Model 4085

4080 Series

40 MHz Programmable DDS Function Generator

Price: $1150 / 3 yr Warranty


Aug 04, 2015


The 4080 series models are versatile, laboratory grade synthesized function generators with a wide frequency range up to 120 MHz. Direct digital synthesis (DDS) techniques are used to create stable, accurate output signals for all 27 built-in standard and complex (arbitrary) waveforms. The generators produce high purity, low distortion sine waves, and provide a full suite of analog modulation capabilities including AM, FM, FSK, PSK, pulse modulation, burst mode, and linear/logarithmic sweep combined with multiple trigger modes. These function generators are ideal for many general-purpose test and bench applications or for use in training and education.

  • Wide frequency range of 1 uHz up to 120 MHz for Sine
  • Sine and square output plus 27 additional built-in arbitrary waveforms
  • Clean and stable output of very small signals down to the 1 mV to 10 mV range (50 ohms)
  • Support of internal and external modulation sources as well as internal, external, and gated trigger sources
  • Convenient data input via numeric keypad or knob
  • Adjust modulation parameters precisely and over a wide range
  • Fully programmable via the standard RS232 interface using SCPI compatible commands
  • 100 MHz Universal Counter with frequency measurement and totalize function


Product MSRP
4084 $925
4085 $1150
4086 $1375
4087 $1650









Function Generator Test Leads Set


General purpose test probe set that includes BNC to BNC cables, BNC adapters and test clips.

MSRP: $122